Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Talking To Your Kids About Sex and Sexuality...And Why It's Important

If you have teenage kids today, chances are that you grew up at a time where openly discussing sexual topics with anyone but your closest friends was considered a taboo. Chances are your parents would have enrolled you in a seminary, fully equipped with a creepy exorcist, if sex even crossed your mind before marriage. But today, we live in a world where sex seems to be at the root of every industry, from advertising, to job hunting, to pornography (which, by the way, happens to be the one of the, if not THE, largest online industry). As a result, it's probably more likely your kid will know what a reverse cowgirl is before he/she figures out that Santa isn't real.

So What's The Problem With That?
Besides the fact that, on average, kids are exposed to porn at age 11, and that 80% of teens aged 15 - 17 admit to watching pornography, a lot of what happens off the screen might be troubling. For example, in the USA, 1 out of 3 girls get pregnant before the age of 20. Although this is staggering, by itself it doesn't amount to a lot. However, when you consider that 8 out of 10 of these pregnancies are unintended, a.k.a. preventable, that's where you as a parent come in.

"Well What Can I Do?"
You'll be surprised to hear that the answer is, A LOT. According to a study done by one of University of Montreal's research centers, it turns out that "45% [of teens] consider their parents to be their sexuality role model," while only 32% tried to model their friends. I bet you're probably as surprised as everyone else, because apparently "78% of the mothers who participated in the survey believed that their children modeled their friends' sexual behaviour." The study also found that a lot of households lack paternal communication regarding sexuality, which is obviously very detrimental.

The point here is that you have your work cut out for you. Your child likely models his/her sexuality after you. The only thing you have to do is to actually talk to them, and make sure they understand all the risks that come with being sexually active. I've only briefly outlined some pregnancy statistics. However, things I haven't mentioned, like STDs and STIs are also very important topics to make your kids aware of.

Be a role-model for your kids, and be open about sexuality with them. Your actions, and those few conversations you have with them might make the difference between them having a successful career and marriage, and dropping out of highschool to raise a misconceived child.

Sources: http://esciencenews.com/articles/2011/06/15/teens.look.parents.more.friends.sexual.role.models
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Friday, June 17, 2011

Surgery Restores Vision In Man After 55 Years Of Blindness In Right Eye

Picture Source: MedlinePlus
As a child, Mr. (not named...we'll call him Bob) experienced an accident where the impact of a stone to his right eye detached the retina from the rest of his eye, leaving him completely blind in his right eye. While a detached retina can normally be reattached, restoring the person's vision, prolonged detachment causes the retina to degenerate making it almost impossible to restore vision.

Fast forward 55 years into the future, and doctors at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary decided to take on his case...kind of by accident. 'Bob' only went to the hospital to complain of pain in his right eye. Upon diagnosis, he was found to have "total hyphema, neovascular glaucoma, high intraocular pressure and a detached retina" (If you somehow missed the 6 years of med school, the above basically means that his eye couldn't detect light, it was overcrowded by newly formed blood vessels, and he had very high blood pressure in his eye, respectively.) After an operation to relieve Bob of his pain, the doctors were able to restore his ability to distinguish light from dark. Psyched by the success of this operation, they decided to attempt to reattach his retina.
After he recovered from the surgery, and to everyone's amazement, Bob was finally able to see "to such an extent that he could count fingers at a distance of five meters."
Surgeries like these give us all hope for a brighter future, no pun intended!

Sources: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110617081630.htm
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Men Buy Nice Cars To Get Laid...And It Works!

Depicted Above: Guy about to get laid.

The usual assumption you make when you see a guy driving a nice flashy sports car is "Oh, he's just trying to make up for his small package." But the real reason is very close. According to a series of studies done at Rice University, which consisted of about 1000 individuals, humans respond to flashy and luxury items very similarly to how peacocks respond to the flashing of their vibrant feathers. In other words, most men who bought porches, ferraris, and other flashy items did so because they were seeking immediate short-term sexual relationships. On the other hand, men who were looking for serious relationships and potential life-long partners avoided looking flashy.

As always, women already know this. But despite that fact, they instinctually responded just like peacocks. Women asked to rate a man's attractiveness showed drastically different results based on only two factors: the car he was driving and the woman's sexual intentions. If the woman was only interested in a short fling, she would rate a man getting into a Porsche as much more attractive than the same man getting into a Honda Civic. Alternatively, women looking for a serious (and possibly life-long) relationship would rate the man getting into the Honda Civic as being more attractive, partially because they recognize the fact (or simply have a hunch) that the man driving the Porsche is not looking for anything serious.

The moral of the story: Driving a nice car usually means women won't take you seriously. But sometimes this can definitely be a good thing :D

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110616092647.htm

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Perfect Artificial Heart Just Made...And It Doesn't Even Pump!

Courtesy of the Texas Heart Institute
This is an X-Ray of Lewis with his rotor heart implants
The medical community was taken by storm this week with news from the Texas Heart Institute about their new robotic heart. It's so amazing, in fact, that you'd never even know if someone is equipped with it, because it's completely silent and doesn't produce a beat. Instead, it uses fan-like rotors which circulate a person's blood throughout their body producing a continual, smooth flow, similar to water flowing through a pipe.

So why is this such a revelation? You wouldn't believe it, but this is the first time medical researchers have ever even conceived the possibility of having a heart that doesn't beat! This was a big problem because they would always attempt to replicate the heart, creating very complex machines which failed frequently. By contrast, the new rotor heart has only one moving part (the rotor...in case you haven't caught on), and as such lasts much longer and works more reliably. Moreover, it "[reduces] the chance of infection or other complications."

Now, with every great medical find comes an equally great success story, and here it is:
Craig Lewis was a 55-year old man who was "dying from amyloidosis, a disease that causes buildup of  abnormal proteins that clog the organs until they stop functioning." When doctors gave him only 12 hours to live, he decided to give the experimental heart a try. Although he died two months later of complications in other major organs, Mr. Lewis far exceeded his doctors' expectations, and proved the 'roto-heart' to be an excellent alternative to the more conventional, pumping heart.

Sources: http://www.npr.org/2011/06/13/137029208/heart-with-no-beat-offers-hope-of-new-lease-on-life
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Have You Ever Cheated On a Loved One? It Might Not Be Your Fault!

As much of a promiscuous a**hole as your girl/boyfriend at the time made you out to be, science has stepped in to your defense. While it may not have been the 'right' thing to do, new genetic research strongly suggests that it was more or less bound to happen.

While it was noted prior to this study that children of parents who have been promiscuous in the past are twice as likely to cheat themselves, the exact cause of this relationship remained unknown until now. When observing zebra finches, a species of bird which are socially monogamous (they stick to their partner), it was noted that some of the birds 'cheat' on their beloved. The researchers then took the eggs of those flirty birds and placed them in the nests of bird couples who remained strictly monogamous. They did this in order to ensure that these hatchlings would be brought up by monogamous parents.

After studying 5 generations of zebra finches (1,554 birds), the researchers ran a thorough genetic analysis of the birds, and discovered that the birds whose parents were promiscuous were much more likely to cheat on their partners than those whose parents remained faithful to each-other. "The birds could not have learned this behavior from their randy parents, since foster parents raised them. They must have inherited a tendency for it."

- - - If you're showing this article to a loved one you've cheated on, STOP READING HERE - - -

However, this doesn't mean you're completely off the hook! Researchers note that despite this intriguing relationship, promiscuity in humans still remains a complex behavior involving many variables such as how attractive the other person is, how much alcohol you've consumed, how much 
you care for your partner, etc.. 

Source: http://news.discovery.com/human/playboy-gene-promiscuity-110613.html 
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Friday, June 10, 2011

Your Dog Might Be Telepathic!

For all of you who wish your dog came with superpowers, your prayers might have just been answered. Have you ever felt like Ruffus understands you more than anyone else? It turns out your hunch might just be right. In a study inspired by some dogs' ability to 'smell' cancer, published in Learning & Behavior, a team of researchers from the University of Florida decided to study this man-dog connection.

In order to make sure that dogs aren't just really good at reading your body movements, the team involved a group of undomesticated dogs (wolves), and conducted two experiments involving the two types of animals. They "were given the opportunity to beg for food, either from an attentive person or from a person unable to see the potential begger." Astonishingly, both the Wolves and Dogs were successful in begging for food, as both approached the attentive person.

The team concluded that "both species - domesticated and non-domesticated - have the capacity to behave in accordance with a human's attentional state," and that this trait is something dogs are born with. It was also noted that this telepathy is less common and less defined in sheltered and abandoned dogs, suggesting that a dog's acceptance of its owner as a 'companion' helps strengthen this telepathic connection.

Source: http://tinyurl.com/3qb8prq

Now for some personal anecdotal evidence of this--I'll keep it short. Promise:

My grandfather owns two German Sheppard dogs, which he occasionally takes out to the family farm where they can run around freely; they obviously love this. The interesting part about this is that every time my grandfather makes a conscious decision to take them to the farm, the dogs (who are outside in a courtyard, physically separated from my grandpa) become ecstatic and wait for him right by the door, as if they know what's about to happen. This also occurs on random days and at random times each day, as to exclude the possibility of the dogs following a pattern (sorry to all you devil's advocates :( ).

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Do Pick-Up Lines Work?

Bars and Clubs are notorious for bad pick-up lines, and almost everyone's used one at least once in their lives. But how often do they actually work, and which ones work and which don't? Well, you'd be surprised to find out that the answers are quite simple. In a study published in the Journal of Social Psychology, a team of researchers tried to answer that elusive question by surveying 70 female university students about different pick-up lines asked by different men. The results were...un-staggering.

The study classified 3 types of pick-up lines: 'Flippant' lines, which are usually funny, witty, and make you look like a douche. Non-Flippant Direct lines, which are kinda like "Hey I saw you across the room and had to meet you!". And finally, Non-Flippant Innocuous lines, like "Hey I think I know you, did we have class together?" 

And here are the reactions: Flippant lines, such as "If I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together" - Glen Quagmire, usually make the guy look humorous and sociable, which are a plus. On the negative side, they also make him look untrustworthy and unintelligent. Women looking for something more than a one-night-stand usually scorn at these types of lines.

The differences between Direct and Innocuous lines are minimal. Although women react better, on average, to Direct lines, the end result is the same (Meaning that if she doesn't like you, the line makes no difference...surprisingly).

In conclusion, if the woman in question is just looking for some fun (probably like most of you reading this), it makes no difference what you say as your entrance...she just has to find you attractive (mind you, your sociability usually falls into this). If the woman is looking for a long-term partner, however, she will usually be much more receptive to Direct and Innocuous lines, but they won't take you anywhere unless you pass her subconscious standards of a "good dad".

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