Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Have You Ever Cheated On a Loved One? It Might Not Be Your Fault!

As much of a promiscuous a**hole as your girl/boyfriend at the time made you out to be, science has stepped in to your defense. While it may not have been the 'right' thing to do, new genetic research strongly suggests that it was more or less bound to happen.

While it was noted prior to this study that children of parents who have been promiscuous in the past are twice as likely to cheat themselves, the exact cause of this relationship remained unknown until now. When observing zebra finches, a species of bird which are socially monogamous (they stick to their partner), it was noted that some of the birds 'cheat' on their beloved. The researchers then took the eggs of those flirty birds and placed them in the nests of bird couples who remained strictly monogamous. They did this in order to ensure that these hatchlings would be brought up by monogamous parents.

After studying 5 generations of zebra finches (1,554 birds), the researchers ran a thorough genetic analysis of the birds, and discovered that the birds whose parents were promiscuous were much more likely to cheat on their partners than those whose parents remained faithful to each-other. "The birds could not have learned this behavior from their randy parents, since foster parents raised them. They must have inherited a tendency for it."

- - - If you're showing this article to a loved one you've cheated on, STOP READING HERE - - -

However, this doesn't mean you're completely off the hook! Researchers note that despite this intriguing relationship, promiscuity in humans still remains a complex behavior involving many variables such as how attractive the other person is, how much alcohol you've consumed, how much 
you care for your partner, etc.. 

Source: http://news.discovery.com/human/playboy-gene-promiscuity-110613.html 
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